1. Life drawing helps improve your fundamental drawing skills
Drawing the figure demands a lot of an artist as the anatomical and structural complexity of the figure is difficult to master. Many artists use drawing from a model to see and describe subtle nuances of proportion, tone, texture, space and gesture.
2. Drawing from a model increases the fluency and economy of your drawing.
With the inevitable time limitations of a Life Drawing session and the range of expression available from a Life Model, an artist can constantly find new and more economical ways to describe the figure. The possibilities for expression available to an artist are virtually unlimited.3.
3. Drawing the body tunes you to the visual proportions, rhythms and harmonies of the body
As with drawing from nature in general, working from the body’s complex proportions, rhythms and harmonies can tune an artist in to many rich visual possibilities. This could prove useful in in other fields such as architecture, design, various forms of composition and engineering. It could even help art practice!
4. Drawing as a form of meditation
Drawing from a Life Model encourages you to focus your mind upon and respond to the human body and to a human being. Not only is this a great way of clearing your mind but it can invite a reality check by reminding us of our common humanity.
5. Drawing from life is better than drawing from photographs
An authentic experience in our digital era is becoming more of a rarity. Life Drawing allows you to see and capture the human body with a sensitivity and understanding that you simply cannot achieve through copying a photograph.
6. Drawing within a group encourages learning
Life Drawing classes not only bring like-minded people together, they also help artists explore a variety of ways to approach a single subject.
We do not often have the privilege of viewing individual artists’ processes, and Life Drawing classes encourage sharing and critiquing of work in a relaxed and non-judgemental environment. You will always find artists of varying skills in a Life Drawing class.
MAC’s next tutored Life Drawing Short Course with Jesse Dayan begins on October 30. Find out more information here.