Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy by User “Stavros Argiropoulos”, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

The Aesthetics of Cities

The Aesthetics and purpose of Cities I think it was in 2016 that I first began thinking of “cities”—by then I had lived in and briefly visited multiple, very different...

From “Carpet Interiors” by Farid Rasulov

Contemporary Art from the Caucasus

Contemporary Art from the Caucasus Art from the Caucasus. Descriptions of the Caucasus—the region including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and a bit of Russia—frequently mention the word “crossroads”…of civilisations, of empires....

The post-decluttering state of bliss and peace is real. (Credit: Pixabay)

Last year, I wrote about the importance of decluttering—how it gives you a sense of control over your environment. This January, I found myself taking the practice to another level....

I stumbled upon the work of Detroit based artist Marcus Glenn last month and was instantly drawn to his paintings of people viewing paintings in art galleries. I liked how...

Handling Too Many Creative Ideas

Too Many Ideas Syndrome” (TMIS) is supposedly a real phenomenon and the subject of many discussions online. (Credit: Pixabay) When I was 13, my mum bought me an amazing thesaurus...