From “Carpet Interiors” by Farid Rasulov

Contemporary Art from the Caucasus

Contemporary Art from the Caucasus Art from the Caucasus. Descriptions of the Caucasus—the region including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and a bit of Russia—frequently mention the word “crossroads”…of civilisations, of empires....

Ivana’s inspiring experience during our Summer School Ivana was one of a few students who undertook the challenge of completing both our Painting and Drawing Masterclasses in-between Christmas and New...

Basic proportions of the human body

At Melbourne Art Class we are offering two Life Drawing Courses in November. Tutored Life Drawing with Jesse Dayan and Painting from the Figure with Marco Corsini. We’d love to you...

Six ways that Life Drawing improves you

1. Life drawing helps improve your fundamental drawing skills Drawing the figure demands a lot of an artist as the anatomical and structural complexity of the figure is difficult to...